Take home a piece of El Indio. We offer great merchandise to bring back the memories for your taste buds. We have t-shirts, coffee mugs, tortilla warmers and more! Stop by the shop and pick yours up today. They make great gifts as well!
Black El Indio T-Shirts Available in Blue, Red, or Off White Logo
(Small- XXLarge)

Black El Indio Embroidered Hats with white, blue, or red embroider

Western Mexican Cookbook by Alfonso Pain with Contribution by
El Indio's Founder, Ralph Pesqueira Sr.

El Indio Cloth Reusable Bags are Available in the following
Colors (Blue, Orange, Green, & Red)

El Indio Coffee Mug with Lid, Burritote - Insulated Burrito Bag/Carrier,
El Indio Tortilla Warmer Available in Red & Green

We have fashionable El Indio t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, gift certificates, tamale steamers. Plus, we sell and ship Mexican hot chocolate mix and chips (flour and corn).
Please call El Indio if you want to order any of our merchandise. (619)-299-0333